xp.iko is a collaborative project between Xp and the Berlin-based spatial audio studio Spaes Lab led by Gerriet K. Sharma. The initiative aims to develop a new suite of tools for artists working with Ableton Live, enabling them to create with the iconic IKO, a large array loudspeaker renowned for producing immersive audio experiences by leveraging the physical properties of space

The video bellow shows an early version of xp.iko, a prototype designed during a creative residency at Callie's Berlin with composers Gerriet K. Sharma and Jan Urbiks
xp.iko employs a workflow similar to Xp, utilizing a 3D environment to visualize the sound scene. Partially based on Ircam Spat library, It incorporates a set of Max for Live devices that generate sound beams on the IKO, offering various parameters for manipulating them within the space. This workflow introduces innovative interactions for artists, allowing them to approach composition in a more dynamic way, thanks to Ableton Live's intuitive environment.
At the core of our system, we have developed a new device called xp.iko.beam, inspired by xp.source. This device dynamically generates ambisonic sound beams in 3D space, represented as source points, as soon as it's added to an Ableton track. Users can customize the track name, visualize sound waves, and adjust the beam's width for precise spatial control.
One of the key features is the ability for composers to move the sound beam freely throughout the 3D space. Several other parameters are available, such as the distance from the iko device which is used to control sound attenuation, enhancing spatial accuracy.
This innovative workflow seamlessly integrates with the Ableton environment, allowing users to craft their compositions with a more intuitive and expressive approach.

iko Renderer
In a typical IKO workflow, a 3rd-order ambisonics stream (16 channels) needs to be convoluted with custom filters before being decoded and played through the loudspeaker. This step can be CPU-intensive in a Max for Live environment, even though user interaction isn't required at this stage.
To streamline the composer's tools, we've chosen to separate this computational process from the user interactions, which occur entirely within Ableton Live.
We've developed a lightweight application called IKO Renderer to handle the convolution process, while also offering additional features. IKO Renderer can run locally on the user's machine via a loopback interface (such as BlackHole on macOS) or be deployed over an audio network like Dante. This architecture provides several advantages, which we'll explore in detail later.

Public distribution
At this stage, xp.iko is intended for internal use only, with excellent user feedback on the experience. While we don’t have plans for public release yet, we are open to collaborations where xp.iko can be used, refined, and assist composers or artists in their projects. Additionally, we welcome invitations for demonstrations or workshops to showcase its capabilities. We look forward to hearing from you!
info [at] xp4l [dot] com
You can also visit the international Iko Forum at IkoWeave